So yes, we did manage to find a bit of work, but that has finished now (we both had two month contracts.) And before launching into another round of job-hunting, we took a 4-day break to Alicante, Spain.
Alicante is about the cheapest destination you could fly to from London (£100 return) that has a beach and isn't cold in November. We also scored with the hotel, getting three nights for a grand total of 69Euros! Yay for off-season travelling!!
Here is like the Gold Coast of Spain with stretches of lovely sandy beaches and multitudes of hotels and resorts. There is also an old Roman fort on top of the hill with great view of the harbour.
You could tell by the decent sized airport and the number of hotels around that this place gets crazy busy during summer. But in November, despite still being still sunny and warm, the place was almost TOO quiet and peaceful! Our hotel was right by the beach not too far from town. In the morning, there was people exercising on the beach; by 3pm only a few persistent pensioners are still on the beach - with leathery tans, tilting their deckchairs towards the sun like sunflowers to catch the thinning rays. By late afternoon the beach promenade resembled a ghost town and pretty much all restaurants were closed. Our only two choices of places to dine at night were to eat at our hotel, or a 15 minute walk to McDonald's.